Antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids. Let the nature take care of your health!
Properties of berriesSea -buckthornSea-buckthorn is perhaps the most studied berry, because its beneficial elements. Sea-buckthorn is ancient Chinese medicinal plant and in Russia it's used in many prescription drugs. Sea-buckthorn contains 8 different vitamins. It contains about 10% more vitamin C than orange. Sea-buckthorn is an oil plant, whose seed contains 15% of oil and peel about 30%. It contains multiple times more energy than any other berry. It improves your health and helps recovering from sicknesses. According to studies in Finland sea buck thorn has positive effects in treating skin and mucosa membrane's. . BlueberryBlueberry has positive effects on eye's mucosa membrane. That's why blueberry is ingredient of many eye medicine's. It contains lots of vitamin A and B. In the world blueberry is known especially for its anthocyanins or water-soluble flavonoid pigments located in plant's cell sap that appear ultramarine,blue and red. |
CranberryCranberry has been traditionally used as a treatment to infected kidneys and urethra and to improve intestine's function. Cranberry's pigment prevents the transmitting of bacteria to cell wall which decreases the amount infections. |
LingonberryLingonberry contains lots of fibres and dietary minerals. Because its high benzoic acid level, lingonberry is beneficial to body's pH-balance. |
Black CurrantBlack currant contains lots of vitamin C, A and E. It's great source of fibre, especially in the form powder, where the fatty acid-proportion (Omega 3/Omega 6) of the seeds is almost perfect. |
ChokeberryChokeberry is especially good if not the best source of antioxidants. It contains plenty of essential minerals and contains most anthocyanins.. |
Read more: - National institute for healt and welfare |